Sunday, January 8, 2023

Take on the border crisis

The Trump policy which most liberals have pointed to to show him to be a heartless xenophobe was his "build the wall" mantra. It was always silly with his "Mexico will pay for it"rhetoric but the idea of border security was right. The entire concept has been completely corrupted by them leaving the democrats in a weird spot. They were forced to try to flank the GOP so far to the left that they have basically put themselves in an untenable position.

We do need better border security, we can't ask border towns to absorb thousands of migrants daily and the idea of sanctuary cities sounds nice in theory but cities like New York and Boston don't want thousands of migrants coming in daily in practice. This is a crisis and to put the entire burden on cities like El Paso is terrible

This is a spot where Biden should actually come closer to the middle and maybe even over to the right because without a coherent policy and adequate policing, we actually can't sustain this

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