Friday, December 9, 2022

Take on Krysten’s football pull on Charlie Schumer

The democrats fought tooth and nail to get to a 51-49 majority and just as they can take a breath, Krysten Sinema does what she always does and pulls the football away from Charlie Schumer.

I do think she waited to make sure Warnock was in and I'm sure Chuck and the gang weren't totally shocked by her intentions but it reminds me again how absolutely ludicrous the entire concept of the Senate is. Joe Manchin goes back to being the most pivotal member of the caucus giving a guy representing one of the smallest states in the union, probably the most power.

As much as the house is a raucous collection of bored apes and gutter cats, at least they represent the wide craziness of our country. The Senate was always the "gentleman's chamber" but has basically turned into its own cesspool but one that doesn't adequately represent anybody.

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