Sunday, December 4, 2022

Take on the Hall of Fame,

The Crime Dog is making the hall of fame which I guess is great but there was never a part of the teenage me who thought to himself that Fred McGriff was one of the all time greats. The same day as McGriff's announcement we were reminded that guys like Bonds and Clemens and ARod can't ever sniff the ball of fame all the while they have guys like. Gaylord Perry and Big Pappi in there because those guys cheated but were ambassadors for the game.
The entire thing is lame and morning. They need to set up a new HOF with only the all time greats in and whenever you want to add somebody in, you have to remove somebody else.

That will keep it interesting.

Baseball is like 110 years old, so I'll find you 55 players in. Every two years one new played comes in. If you want two, then you gotta drop on of the 55.
That would actually make it not boring f.

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