Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Take on the 2 hole

I admittedly know nothing about beisbol and have not watched a full game since about the time I was playing little league but why do the Yankees bat Mike Judge in the two hole? With his size and power, he's a natural cleanup hitter or maybe a 3 hole hitter. Since he strikes out a ton but has great power but wouldn't call him a prototypical table setter but instead more like a giant busboy to clean up.

I brought this up to a buddy who said he read an article saying that the analytics state that he's most valuable there.

To which I respond that these nerds have ruined everything about the sport. The stupid shift, the countless relief pitchers, the righty lefty thing, the five days rest, the base to base game, the no stealing thing, the WAR and WHIP and WOR and GWAR and whatever. It's all so incredibly lame

Just let the game breath you mutant dweebs

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