Monday, September 12, 2022

Take on the Trump unplanned visit to DV

Trump made an unannounced and likely unplanned trip to Washington DC last night which had the Twitter verse in a totally frenzy. Speculation as to what he was doing there ran rampant with theories about having to testify, needing to speak to the NSA, being served papers or some kind of grand jury investigation.

Nothing apparent happened but today he showed up at his golf course and drove around the course not actually playing any golf. He mostly stood around with a bunch of younger slimmer white guys who were not caddies. I can only think that this golf course excursion was done as he had a fear of being taped and figures he's be safer on a golf course.
Im sure they were all strategizing as to how to get out of their latest pickle and if another ex wife tumbles down some stairs or an associate falls out of a window in the next week, don't say I didn't warn you.

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