Sunday, July 17, 2022

Take on the lame story

I'm so sick of the 24 hour news cycle which must fill its airways and webpages with so much lame drivel and analysis it makes my stomach hurt. This week's major story has been the fist bump which is about as much a non story as I've ever seen and could care about. I am not happy with Biden going to see MBS and I'm sick and tired of us as a country placating to the Saudi's whose human rights history, women's right's history, gay rights history have all been an abomination. I also get that not every meeting the leader of the free world has to have is going to be an easy one and you can't only meet with your friends and allies.

Anyway, can we focus on what was said, what wasn't said and what will happen instead of whether they fist bumped, man hugged or fondled each each other.

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