Monday, July 4, 2022

Take on another shooting

Another otherwise nondescript day, in a quiet nondescript town, at a nondescript parade celebrating the 4th ended in chaos and when yet another gunman took aim at our innocents this time perched high on a rooftop. I'm sure we will get the prerequisite thoughts and prayers from the GOP as they blame an unsecured ladder or a unlocked door or anything other than the one piece of apparatus that made this all possible.

The Washington Post had a blaring headline "shooting disrupts Chicago suburb's Fourth of July parade with gunman still at large, police say"

Disrupts? This is how one of our most important newspapers describes it? A disruption at a parade may be the tuba player passing out, maybe a fire hydrant that can't be turned off, maybe even a strung out addict screaming bloody hell in the middle or it. A disruption is not six dead, two dozen injured and a country once again in mourning.

When do we day "enough is enough"? When do we say No. when do we decide that we aren't OK with living like this?

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