Friday, May 6, 2022

Take on MTG’s feet

Marjorie Taylor Thomas Greene is a complete lunatic. She's treasonous, she's divisive, she's obnoxious and a complete Trump sycophant.

But what bothers me more about her is that she has feet like hands. There have been photos of her before on the beach where she has these sausage like nubs extruding like tentacles from her hooves dug into the sand but this week she was photographed with fellow traitor Michael Flynn in open toed shoes and it was worse than I'd ever imagined. The meat hooks on her feet are grotesque.

First of all she's wearing a size 5 when she should be wearing  a size 8 with those things popping out of everywhere. Then it looks like she's got some kind of fungus deeply rooted in at least three of her nine toes and lastly she's got such length on those stubs that she could likely peel fruit with them

MTG, please don't ever leave the house in open toed shoes again.

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