Sunday, May 29, 2022

Take on 78 minutes of ineptitude

It took 78 minutes from when the Tubman walked into an elementary school until a squad was able to take him out. In those 78 minutes, lives may have been spared, injuries may have been treated and courage may have been found but none of that happened because why we have been told over and over doesn't actually happen in real life. A good guy with a gun doesn't actually come out and save the day, actually the good guy with a gun stood by and let the bad guy with a gun take aim at children.

The reason is that they were scared and that's justifiable because the killer had a couple of AR-15's and more ammo than anybody ever would need and they felt they were outgunned.

But no, keep telling me that easy access to assault style weapons and unlimited ammo isn't the problem. Let's keep putting them into hands of deranged 18 year olds and use thoughts and prayers to hope they don't snap.

Red Flag laws
Increase the age to 21
Mandatory federal background checks
Five day waiting period
Background checks for ammo purchase
Psychological screening

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