Monday, April 11, 2022

Take one the Trump Family Photo

The Trumps decided to take a family photo and it describes their family perfectly. Fist you have Beavis and Butthead looking coked up and spray tanned. Then you have a couple of old bags who are likely Melania's Soviet parents. Behind them a crazy old guy who looks like he is photobombing the entire thing accidentally on his way to the head. Next to him is some random lady who is probably his night nurse. Next to bight nurse lady stands next to an angry soviet spy who looks pissed that the shower curtain she's wearing is making her "sweat like mule". Then comes the Kushner crew ripe off of their $2 billion dollar swindle and then Tiffany with some freeloader who looks like he's grabbing her ass

The question is..Where is Barron??

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