Sunday, March 20, 2022

Take on the lifetime Supreme Court justice spot

When I heard that Clarence Thomas was hospitalized I had that same feeling I did when Scalia passed.   I hate to be that guy but when the only way to turn over the high court is through death, it seems like you have to sort of root for it.   There really shouldn't be lifetime appointments for any government position as there isn't any real rationale for it and I'd much prefer each presidential term would get two justices.  This would turn the Court over in 18 years which still seems long but would bring it to a living breathing part of our structure versus some antiquated lifetime achievement award with no repercussions.  It would also allow each President to know she will get two appointments which becomes part of the election narrative.  If a third one dies they get to fill in with an interim one till the end of their term and that seat becomes one of the two the next president appoints.   

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