Sunday, March 6, 2022

Take on baseball

Baseball is trying to fix their game with a bunch of lame measures over the past few years. First they went to this lame idea of putting a runner at second base to start an extra inning game, then they went to the 7 inning double header and now they want to lose the shift.

I get that baseball is boring as hell and nobody on their right mind would actually watch 9 innings of this but there have to be better ways to fix it than to basically turn it into a beer league.

You know they want to increase the sizes of the bases mainly so that when a dude spends $800 to take his family of four and sits in the upper deck, he can say he saw the base…and it will be that much more convenient when they start selling advertisements on top of the bags.

All of it sucks, learn to hit the other way to avoid the shift, make a pitcher nervous by crowding the plate, play the game the right way with hit and runs and sacrifices.

Don't even get me started on that runner on second base crap. It's a matter of time that they decide to play only five innings and then let them do a home run derby to decide the winner.

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