Sunday, February 20, 2022

Take on the Winter Olympics and the frozen penis.

I have to say this was probably the Olympics I was least intrigued with. I'm not sure if it lacked intriguing American athletes, the time difference was too much or that we needed a break after the summer Olympics but it just didn't captivate me.
It also doesn't help that every single time I turned it on, I got curling.

But you have to give these winter athletes credit, the summer ones are incredible but they don't seem to put their bodies on the line quite the same way The roller derby ice skating thing is nuts, the luge is crazy and the skeleton is just a kamikaze mission but who knew the event I'd be most frightening to do would be the 50k skiing thing. It's not just that 50k on cross country skiing part sounds awful, but the fact some poor Finnish schlep froze his penis during the ride makes me think that there is no sport which ask more from their athletes than this thing

On top of everything, he finished 28th. So he got no glory, no medal and only has a frozen winkie to show off in the Olympic village

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