Thursday, January 20, 2022

Take on the end of crypto

The Bank of Russia is seeking a total ban of crypto mining and trading and for once in my life, I agree with Putin. I don't have any idea how to mine anything, let alone crypto but I do know it takes gigantic amount of energy and that comes at a gigantic cost to our planet. This is exactly where Elon Musk has been the biggest hypocrite, he claims to be all in on clean energy and protecting the earth yet there is no bigger crypto hawk than him. Every original white paper stated that crypto was about stability and not allowing for artificial manipulation but it's anything but that. It's a completely manipulated and unstable currency, it's not used for any real transactions other than for some
Illicit dark web stuff and it has it has not added anything to the greater good.

Let's ban this entire concept and go back to normal hard currency

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