Saturday, January 1, 2022

Take on the 50,000 case number in NYC

NYC is once again the epicenter of the covid spike, this time with the city reporting nearly 50,000 new cases today. A few months ago when things had quieted down, I would have bet that with mass vaccinations, we were starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course that light seems to be a train running right into us with people all around us falling ill.
What doesn't make total sense is that the last report was that omicron was becoming the dominate strain but still only accounted for 59% of the cases. With the only two strains you hear anything about being omicron and delta that indicates that there leaves about 41% for Delta.

The question to me is, how the heck are we seeing nearly 20,000 cases of Delta right now with all the vaccinations and precautions because of the fear of omicron? At the height of Delta we were at like 6000 cases in NYC. Something tells me that Delta has mutated itself and has become a lot more powerful. It's impossible to think that Delta has itself become that much more contagious without something having changed

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