Friday, December 3, 2021

Take on the Crumbleys

Columbine felt like a once in a lifetime tragedy that we would scar us so that we'd do everything to prevent it from ever happening again,. Sandy Hook seemed like to might be the breaking point but all we got were thoughts and prayers. Parkland felt like it started a movement but it died down. We can't seem to evade tragedy all for the sake of 2A which has been so grossly misinterpreted from its original meaning that it now has absolutely nothing to do with anything resembling the late 18th century

But maybe this Oakland thing changes something. Not because it's more tragic, or because after Covid we so desperately deserved normalcy but because maybe by charging the parents they are forced to take responsibility. Maybe it would mean more gun safes, maybe more responsible ownership overall or -gasp- maybe just less guns but putting the responsibilities on a parent, like they would be if a kid crashes a car after they attending a party at their house, may start to change behavior.

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