Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Take on the rise of JFK jr.

There is very little about QAnnon I understand and what I do get is diminishing my the minute

The pedophile pizza ring was always odd but it had a known foil and I always assumed that the theory was that even if only a few whackos believed it, it would be enough to maybe soil some voters minds and swing a super close election.

The other ones with crazy deadlines for Trump to be reaffirmed always just seemed our in the sky with moving goalposts but it would keep the community engaged and they didn't ever seem to question any of it.

But the one I don't get is this JFK jr. thing. I'm not sure what the end goal was here but these weirdos do have to realize that if he were going to rise from the dead, he'd probably be a democrat being that…well.

But apparently the Trump/JFK Jr bandwagon had enough steam to drive a bunch of these folks for the JR Ewing moment in Texas

What bothers me most about this is who has time to do any of this?? Who can stand on a street corner in the middle of the day hoping to catch a guy whose plane crashed into the Atlantic like 15 years ago? Who is financially supporting them? Are they all still living in their parent's basements with transistor radios?

Then you realize this entire movement is filled with people on government aid and assistance, so the one supporting this is us.

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