Thursday, November 18, 2021

Take on Big Head Matt

Matt Gaetz apparently has decided to dump Nester and instead is looking to hire a new 18 year old.

He's not looking to hire a qualified, over achiever who has hopes of changing the world as a congressional intern but instead decided to make the public offer to a guy who should be spending the next 5-10 years in prison.

Of course, Gaetz doesn't care about what happens to BLM activists or even basic civility, he just hopes to lead his political party to go further off the deep end…and with this he is actually incredibly successful

But the clock is ticking on Matty…seems his buddy Joel Greenberg is singing like a canary and we will have some indictments coming soon.

Wonder how he can get that orange jumpsuit over his gigantic head without needing to cut it.

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