Sunday, October 10, 2021

Take on Allen West

Allen West who is running for governor of Texas had a lengthy Twitter post where he kid out his fight against Covid and where he said he was more dedicated than ever for fighting against vaccines because he was able to recover from a hospital visit after receiving monoclonal antibodies.

I'm so sick and tired to this argument that the right makes about not wanting the vaccine because it wasn't fully approved -although it is now- yet they would be happy to take horse dewormer as or inject bleach. But the monoclonal antibodies is an even more ridiculous take because it is also experimental and hasn't been used by nearly the amount of people worldwide who have had the vaccine..oh and it's $1200 to administer AND it's only given if you are really sick

Good argument to depend on this instead of taking the fully FDA approved backing which has proven to keep you out of the hospital in the first place.

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