Monday, August 16, 2021

Take on the fall of Kabul

Afghanistan has been a sh!tshow for as long as we've been there from supporting the Northern Alliance to putting our trust in Karzai to this latest goon Ghani who fled the country with four carloads packed with cash. . Nations building never seems to work when you have a gun in one hand and a grenade in the other, you need a Marshall Plan to have any hope but mostly you need a willing dance party

Ok that was the last of the Thomas Friedman rant

I have no idea what the right decision in Afghanistan was but this doesn't feel like this was it. Maybe we should have pulled out slower, maybe we should have committed ourselves to always having a tactical battalion there, maybe we should have carpet bombed our way out of there (and immediately flew to De Hague from Kabul)

We needed to get out and nobody is happy with the immediate outcome but sadly in three weeks we will have forgotten and will be busy with mask and vaccinations and Christmas songs.

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