Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Take on dirty Cuomo

Some days we struggle for content while other days it just falls in our lap. Andrew Cuomo resigning today wasn't what I was expecting today and the Biden team can't be thrilled with him urinating all over their new bridge building plan. What was obvious though was that there was no way he could continue to govern with the groping scandals looming ever larger. He will go down in the fine history of New York governors plagued by a second scandal. There was Cuomo and Spitzer and even the blind dude who lasted a hot second before he too was ousted for his own scandal. Even Pataki's entire career is just seen as Giuliani's little boy

Anyway, good news is we will get a woman as the next governor who I know less than nothing about which means she's guaranteed to be less creepy than those guys.

I'm just hoping they rename the bridge back to the Tappan Zee.

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