Monday, April 5, 2021

Take on the weird Trump Photo

Stephen Miller posted a photo of him at Trump's new office and it's an Easter egg galore. The one most people have pointed out is the bottle of Coke behind the telephone after he called for a boycott of the product for his loyalists. Our eye went to the weird bronze statue of himself behind Miller and the photo of himself on his little table. There is also the stack of blank papers which is off and the fact everything a "billionaire" can't figure out what to do with random wires under those little tables. The desk seems like a cheap replica of the Resolute Desk and that weird diamond shaped award was likely given out by the Donald J Trump foundation
The Mount Rushmore thing is likely a work in progress with Donnie drawing himself in with a sharpie at some point

And none of that even mentions the weird vampire in the room next to far man

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