Thursday, April 22, 2021

Take on outdoor Covid transmission

I've taken the Covid pandemic as seriously as anybody, I've kept a social distance having yet to step foot in anybody's house not owned by my own family. I wash my hands more often than any Dutch person ever would and I wear a mask..all the time

But honestly, the idea of wearing a mask outdoors has always seemed crazy to even me. Even from the beginning of the pandemic, I never believe that transmission over a wide space in open air would ever be a real risk. There wasn't any science to suggest it was transmitting that way but since there wasn't any science that proves it didn't transmit outdoors with social distancing measures, it seemed like a small price to pay to allow you to some normalcy.
But now that we know more, it's time we move on from this concept and start thinking about our future I see masks in public for a while especially in enclosed spaces, private and public buildings and schools. I don't think that wearing them on the side of a soccer field with everybody a mile apart is necessary

So, I'm glad there is now a basics 2 out of 3 chart.

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