Saturday, February 13, 2021

Take on the gutless acquittal

It took five days to prove once again that the majority of republicans are gutless worms who couldn't do the right thing if it was literally the only thing they could do.
I doubt any of them deny Trump's involvement, we know Mitch did so after he voted to acquit, which was about a half an hour too late as usual. His entire position landed on a technicality that you can't remove a former president which is interesting as he refused to have the senate trial occur while a Trump was still in office. This is Mitch at his best, every time there is a senate rule, whether real or self baked, Mitch finds the side of it to be a dirtbag snake. He has wielded too much power for too long and show how we have managed to make him the second most powerful person in the country even as he has the personality of a pair of dirty gym socks.

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