Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Take on dead Rush

Today will mark the day they blew up Trump's crappy Atlantic City Hotel which seemed to symbolize the death of Rush Limbaugh. Twitter was filled with stories and justifications for his heinous and noxious behavior with a number of national reporters saying that his shtick was mostly an act. They tried to justify it by saying he was just a caricature and doing it for the money

As if this is a justification for him being a slimy sexist and 30 year public racist. It just tells me he has no morals at all, if he didn't believe it, he just used his position to convince a bunch of morons so that he could get ungodly rich

Anyway, I hate to stomp of the grave of anybody but I can't say I was all that sad when I heard the news today

And he's probably the least deserving Presidential Freedom winners.

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