Thursday, January 14, 2021

Take on the weird Trump toilet thing

The poor guys and gals watching over the safety of Ivanka and Jared weren't allowed in the house to use the potty, so they were forced to go over to Obama's place who would let them in and give them a copy of Sports Illustrated and some prune juice.
This is the weird thing with the Trumps...they all have weird bathroom things

Donald uses gold plated ones for himself but prefers his Russian lady friends to use his stomach when they go because he's a weirdo
Melania refused to use the ones used by Michelle Obama because she's a racist birther pig
Ivanka refused to let secret service use one of her 6.5 bathrooms because she believes people are below her highness.
Eric is still learning to not pee on the seat
Lara looks like she lifts the seat to pee
Junior can't control his bowels after one too many trips to the Coke machine
His girlfriend looks like she's so constipated it bloated her face.

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