Monday, January 18, 2021

Take on the new GOP

Ran Paul opened his mouth today and the entire country got sort of turned on.
Pubic hair head said that if Trump is convicted it would destroy the GOP which sounds like something everybody can get behind
I'm no conservative but can understand smaller government, religious freedom, tax breaks, second amendment rights and even pro life stances. I don't agree with much of it but back about - decade ago you could have a sensible adult conversation. Today the entire party is talking about stolen elections, deep state and have embraced a Vladdy.

Today's GOP has been hijacked by Trump and the defenders of the traditional party are people like Itch McConnell and Ted Bundy Cruz, you don't have much left to work with.

It's time for a breakup of the GOP. Break it into two fractions. The Lincoln Project group on one side headed by Romney and the Trumpets on the other side headed by the Pillow Guy and Scott Baio

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