Thursday, January 21, 2021

Take on the Biden workweek

Hannity went after Biden for what he dubbed a disastrous week. We knew this was coming but even for Hannity this is a bit much. This segment went on air like 35 hours after Biden was inaugurated. Our of that time he slept for 8 hours, watched the fireworks for an hour, listed to the terrible Bon Jovi rendition of a Beatles song, ate dinner and breakfast and lunch and probably dropped a deuce. I figure Biden did about 15 hours of work but somehow Hannity turned Biden into Jesus, able to turn a mere 36 hours into a complete week

Maybe it's a reference to the fact that Biden's predecessor would only put in as our 10-15 hours of real work per week, so if judged on the Trump circle, Biden is well into week two now.

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