Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Take on the pollsters

It's been 27 hours since the first polls closed snd we've had a roller coaster ride

The first few states broke as expected, nobody really thought Biden would take Kentucky or Trump would take Connecticut and all eyes fell on Florida who we were told was in play this year. I heard countless podcasters discuss how the electorate was changing, they sent our hundreds of reporters to The Villages and tried to find some glimmer of hope. And then Florida did what Florida always does..
Then our eyes turned on Texas which was another red state we were told was turning purple but like Beto a few years ago it wasn't to be and honestly it wasn't close. Even Ohio flirted with us for a few minutes before also succumbing to the mesmerizing eyes of Trump

Wisconsin was way closer than we were told, Michigan too. Pennsylvania is still behind and should be razor thin and really nothing has happened that show me that the polls had the pulse of the country...except maybe for Georgia

Win, lose or draw the fact that Georgia is within 40k votes tonight is amazing.
I'd never expect to see the day that Georgia would go blue but maybe orange does that to you.

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