Saturday, November 7, 2020

Take on history

Today was a day when we finally exhaled. Not because Joe Biden is a savior, not because there is some nuanced policy change or because we will get a new HUD Secretary.
We exhaled because the country chose decency, civility and honesty. We exhaled because after four years we finally made America great again by dumping the MAGA maggots who have infested the White House
But what is depressing is that there are 70 million people who decided that Trump was what America needed. People who may otherwise have seemed good and sensible enough turned into the type who you couldn't have a discussion with as their entire sense of morality had been altered.
And those 70 million people are now angry and those guys all have guns...
We are more divided than we ever have, even more so than in 2016 when there may have been novelty to Trump. But there is no excuse now, we have seen with our own eyes what he is willing to do to this country and still 70 millions agreed to let him do it

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