Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Take on the NY Post Hunter Biden Story

The October surprise was apparently a Rupert Murdock special with a lame story the NY Post published today. Basically some computer repair guy got his hands on a computer which was left at his shop and he didn't know whose it was. He says he combs through it and it turns out to be Hunter Biden's which he goes through and turns over to Rudy Giuliani to further investigate. The computer repair guy also says that he kept a backup of the computer as his Marc Rich protection plan. There were vague inquiries from the FBI which may or may not have come after Rudy for his paws on the computer.
I think he also said that Hunter was a frequent customer of Comet Pizza.

Something tells me that Hunter would have gone to the Genius Bar to fix his MacBook and that had he left it there unattended and had the Genius Bar guy gone through his computer and read all emails that would have been a major invasion of privacy and if there was some criminal act that handing it to Rudy would not be considered the smartest course of action

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