Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Take on the fly on Pence’s head

To be a fly on the walk took on a new meaning when one decided to nest in Mike Pence's head likely attracted to what we fecal matter was growing in his eye. The debate was interesting in that it was pretty boring staying sort of on topic and mostly without interruptions

Pence did well to make the case for a conservative agenda and was able to paint Kamala as further left, something she wasn't able to shake.

Kamala did well when it came to the tepid response to Covid from Pence's task-force and Trump's taxes and debts

The fly did well by staying perched on Pence's head which must have infuriated Trump

The moderator kept her cool but couldn't keep Pence from filibustering. The "thank you Mr Vice President" didn't work at all, I'm giving her a D

Neither candidate had any interest in discussing what would happened if their boss died.

I'm not sure why Kamala or Joe don't ever mention Merrick Garland.

Kamala's eye rolls will get an entire dedicated SNL skit. Her choice of jacket with her pants suit will get a dedicated TOR post

Pence's wife showed up without a mask which is about as shocking as Pence agreeing to stand on a stage with a woman not mother.
Not sure how Mrs Pence feels about her husband felating the president on the national stage but it must air awkwardly with her deeply religious family

Glad Pence made it clear who Trump's favorite grandchildren are.

Overall, nobody watches the VP debate to change their minds, they just want to see if a fly lands on the head of a 60 year old with pink eye

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