Monday, September 7, 2020

Take on Trump’s reversal on the military and its budget

Trump has been trying to distance himself from a story in The Atlantic which shows him disparaging dammed troops and showing an almost entire lack of empathy to those who have fallen to protect our country

In his effort he decided to attack the pentagon and senior leadership who he said were only looking to start another costly war which would only make the military contractors rich. It's an interesting theory to try to show you love the military by...knocking the military. In this case, he's actually right, we do spend way too much on bombs and guns and jets while we can't seem to ever have enough money to educate our children, repair our roads, provide healthcare and any number of other projects which may have some real value

But its. It as if Trump believe it, this is the same embarrassment who has touted the money he's spent on the military, so like most things, he's full of orange crap.

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