Saturday, September 19, 2020

Take on Trump going quietly into the night

Trump said today that if he loses to Biden he might just disappear and nobody will ever hear from him again which is as unlikely to happening as me winning the lottery while not actually buying a ticket. If there is one things the last four+ years have proven it's that Trump loves the political spotlight and he revels in the political fight. If he were to lose, it's unlikely he'll go quietly into the night as other presidents have done vowing to not criticize the office. For all the issues we had with W, he never impeded the ability for Obama to get to work. He was never somebody vocally second guessing his successors decisions, he stayed above the fray. Obama has done the same only offering vague criticism cloaked in a larger battle than an individual man even as this nation has begged him to be more forceful in his critique.
But if he loses in two months Trump will be on Hannity nightly, he will second guess every decision Biden makes. He will never give the office a chance to breath and the media will lap it up

We have to hope for a devastating defeat, one that forces him to cower in a disappointment so great it will force him into exile

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