Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Take on John Bolton’s book

John Bolton could have been an American hero but instead of testifying during the impeachment hearings, he waited for his his big payday which has come in the form of his tell all book. I've never liked Bolton, mainly because he's a war criminal but almost equally because of that Ned Flanders mustache.
He went after Trump pretty hard though which feels a little late but hopefully will stunt any momentum Trump has going into the elections. Obviously the concentration camps will ge the most press but the crux of this story is still to be told. It's the systematic desire of this administration to break the molds of what has come before almost all of it the detriment of our country and as an attack on basic humanity.
We know Trump will likely win again because with the full weight of the office behind him, there is likely nothing he won't do to retain power so we just need patriots to step out and defend this country against the tyranny we face.

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