Saturday, April 11, 2020

Take on the voter fraud fraud

Donald Trump who votes by mail is on a war path today saying voting by mail increases the risk of crime and voter fraud. Like most things, it is completely unsubstantiated including his assertion that millions bussed into California to vote illegally last time. But this is what he does, he gaslights to turn his crazies onto his side of an issue for no good reason other than to grow discontent. Voter fraud has always been an odd issue as doing it in large volume is near impossible. Going to 20 polling stations to stand in for a person who hasn't voted would only yield somebody 20 votes, if there were bus loads of people doing this it would actually be pretty obvious. If you guess the wrong person, somebody who voted prior in the day, you'd be caught. Or if that person shows up later they would wonder why the had already been checked off as having already voted

But most of it is about blaming brown people and disenfranchising black people, both of which get whites people very excited.

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