Thursday, April 2, 2020

Take on Jared’s next great feat

I guess the opioid crisis is done, we have peace in the Middle East and Ivanka is knocked yo again because it seems Jared Kushner has plenty of time. Trump put his version of a Hunter Biden in charge of some kind of Coronavirus response which Kushy is attacking with the same kind of rigor he's attacked other jobs he's entirely unqualified for. Kushner's entire success is traced to being born to rich parents who greased the tracks for him his entire life. He then married into another set of greased tracks and now is a senior advisor despite having no discernible skill
His quote today "The notion of the federal stockpile was it's supposed to be our stockpile. It's not supposed to be states stockpiles that they then use." will go down as one of the most ludicrous ones from a completely ridiculously stupid administration.

Jared, not sure whose masks they are but if yiu think they belong to the federal government then they belong to us, the citizens. The people you work for

And you sound like a nasal frog

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