Thursday, April 16, 2020

Take on Dr Oz.

I'm not exactly sure what he does but Dr. Oz made news today. He seems to have about as much medical knowledge as Dr. Drew and Dr Feelgood tried to make the argument that schools should reopen saying that there might only be a 2-3% mortality rate and that would be a trade off some people would accept. I'm not really sure where to start here other than Dr.Oz might be more instance than The Blizzard of Oz. Listen Ozzy may have bitten the head off of a bat but he never offered to off 1.5 million kids just so that little Johnny could finish preK properly.
Then again, Dr Oz is a Trump apologist which makes him a medically certified moron. I'll take Ozzy over this moron every day of the week and twice on Sunday because Dr. Oz is going to be walking around with Covid just for being a moron while Ozzy should have been dead ten times over and can still bring it like the best of them

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