Monday, April 13, 2020

Take on the Council to Re-Open America

Trump announced the council to re-open America which was a whose who of Trump groupies. The list of rich white men and a rich white woman married to one of the rich white men and daughter of another rich white man include Mark Meadows who is dumber than a wheel of cheese, Kushner who was outed as being dumber than the jocks when he went to college, his wife who gave a lap dance to her creepy old man, Mnuchin who always looks like he's purposely wearing ladies underwear that is three sizes too small, Larry Kudlow whose entire career has been defined by being wrong and the two geniuses who brought is the Trump Tarrifs, Wilbur Ross and Robert Lighthizer.

Not one medical expert, not one other type of expert, not one person of color and not one person who you'd trust with a thousand dollars of your money

Good call Trump, at least your stupidity in this crisis is consistent

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