Friday, April 24, 2020

Take on the 100k total

At some point Trump decided that he was going to use the 60,000 dead Americans number as a goal saying his policies was going to decrease it from the 100k projected by some. There is some study out of The University of Washington (Go Huskies) saying their model predicts 68k but I just don't see it

We are now around 51k and still adding thousands per day which means we will rocket past Trump's arbitrary 60,000 number and will be looking straight down the barrel of 100k people. Not sure how Trump will move the goalposts on this but I'm guessing we will be at 100k in the middle of June. Sadly to get there we would be looking at 52 days at less than 1000 people per day which right now doesn't seems likely unless this curve hits a brick wall.

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