Sunday, March 22, 2020

Take on the worst generation

Our grandparents were the greatest generation when they served their country during World War II as a bunch of 18-28 year olds. This generation's 18-28 year olds took the opportunity during the worst pandemic our country has seen to participate in some social closing when they spent the weekend frolicking in the Florida sun in bikinis and surfer shorts. All we asked was for them to sit on the couch and play video games but they couldn't even do that.

And as expected a bunch of these morons went back to their universities with a virus worse than the typical thing they'd come back with. It was reported today that five Spring Breakers did just that with positive tests

The thing that really kills me is that some of these kids will go back to their small towns, ones that might have been spared otherwise and bring this sickness into some rural community where their hospitals are even less prepared than the big city ones are.

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