Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Take on Bloomberg’s last stand.

Bloomberg dropped out today and rumor is he'll keep his campaign staff on until November in a move to support Joe Biden. I still think Bloomberg deserves credit, he put his money where his mouth is and spent $500 million to get Trump out. Granted there is always an ego involved but any enemy of Trump is a friend of mine plus the issues he cares about (gun control, climate change, keeping people from drinking extra large cokes) are issues I agree with.
Although it's far from over and Bernie is far from walking dead but even if Biden ekes it out we are going to be looking at a long spring and I can't say I'm that excited about 8 months of Biden because that dude can't walk 9 feet without stepping in dog crap and Trump will eviscerating him on a debate stage. But Bloomberg's money might be able to keep the pressure on Trump to fight on multiple fronts

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