Thursday, February 6, 2020

Take on Trump’s Bridgegate

Trump is a petty and vindictive human, a man whose own ego could never allow for compassion or morality. Today it was announced that New York residents will not longer be able to sign up for Global Entry in why the DHS claims is because of a policy to let undocumented workers get state ID's.
This is obviously garbage and is likely another example of Trump deciding to flex this muscle because he's upset that New York State is working to get their hands on his tax returns.
His thought is that if he puts enough pressure on regular people, they will revolt and push their representatives to cave to his newest request.
It's interesting that this was announced after Trump and his kin all renounced their New York residencies meaning Little Don or Dumb Eric will be affected

This is where we are, a president now uses federal policy to inflict pain on constituents, feels a bit BridgeGatey doesn't it?

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