Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Take on the quick de rate review

There will be plenty of time for debate review tomorrow but for tonight we thought we should let you know who the winners and losers were

The winners were..nobody. This was awful, the candidates were atrocious, CBS did a terrible job at keeping this controlled. When the candidates at the event dubbed a "debate" actually wanted to debate the moderators pivoted to completely different issues. Bernie tried to go after Pete and Pete was ready to respond and the moderators turned to..Tom Steyer who looks like he just wandered onto the stage looking for a Chipotle. I have absolutely no idea why he's there.

Pete is so good except he speaks like thy chick from Small Wonder. Warren is great but she shakes her head in a way that reminds me of Muhammad Ali and that scares me a bit. Biden came out firing in the second half as if somebody slipped him a Viagra. Amy is just so bad at this. Bernie is nuts and I cannot understand how the Democrats are ever going to rally around him. Bloomberg should hire an impersonator because he's awful at this

By the way the losers are......all of us for giving a crap

Bernie will win which means Trump will win.

Thanks America

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