Friday, February 14, 2020

Take on the low Barr of Justice

Nothing was more obvious that the interview Bill Barr gave to ABC News was nothing more than a publicity stunt designed to give the appearance of autonomy of the Justice Department. His entire mantra of his job being made more difficult because of Trump's incessant tweeting was fabricated for TV which was most obvious is Trump's shrug your shoulders reaction when he was told about it.

If there is one thing that has been made clear over the last three years is Trump believe the DOJ is an extension of TeamTrump and should be working for the sole purpose of defending him against anybody who dares to cross him. He has weaponized a cabinet position to punish enemies and embolden allies.

Barr can't order a large coffee extra cream and four sugars and three donuts without Trump's blessing, the idea that he would go after him publicly is as laughable as Susan Collins thinking Trump has learned his lesson

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