Saturday, February 8, 2020

Take on Joe Manchin.

Joe Manchin has always a big of an enigma to me. I can't understand how any democrat could ever get elected in West Virginia let alone a guy who seems to have a stranglehold on the position. He's always a bit of a wild card when it comes to holding the line but he came through and voted his conscious in the impeachment vote. Like Doug Jones he's certainly at odds with his constituents with votes like this which will make his next reelection bid a bit more challenging . In Jones' case “challenging re-election bid” is likely an understatement but I'd think he’d  have an uphill climb with or without this vote on his record.   He hasn’t endeared himself to hardcore Trumpers obviously as those guys were likely to write in Roy Moore anyway.  Not sure how the average conservative voter in Alabama feels and Doug Jones not win anyway but at least he can stand proudly knowing he did the right thing and not the politically expedient one and knowing that anyone who supports Moore is knowingly supporting a pervert.

But Trump went hard after Manchin on twitter calling him weak, pathetic and a puppet. This was expected but shows again that Trump never builds bridges, he digs ditches
Question now is are West Virginians more likely to side with their senator for the last forty years or crazy man Trump??

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