Thursday, February 27, 2020

Take on the Bern

We are five days from Super Tuesday which means we are six days from the democratic field getting cut in half. I've watched the debates, I've read the arguments and I've had played out the scenarios

There are elections based on hope, there are campaigns base on change and others based on status quo and there are candidates whose entire stake is based on fear. This year it can't be about any of that, it must be based on sensibility.

‪At the end of the day there are five candidates who position themselves as the anti-Trump, bringing civility and sensibility back to the office and staking their campaign on America coming to its senses. Bernie is the one who stakes his candidacy on his own cult of personality‬
The case for Joe and Elizabeth and Pete and Amy and Mike are all the same in my eyes..strong leadership, strong morals and strong determination to turn back the tides of Trump. The case against all of them is they lack the pizzazz, they lack the passion and they lack the ability to get their supporters in a frenzy. But we are electing the leader of the free world which is a sobering responsibility in a time where this country needs to unite.

The case for Bernie is that he has a grand vision and he believes it in his core. The argument against it is that he's the only candidate where the case against him will be as easy for the right to make to the middle as the case against Trump is to make by the left to the same constituency.
I believe Bernie's dream is important, his quest has merit and his drive can be infectious but he's also the most alienating politician the democrats can throw out there. He'll have a 50/50 shot at best and his candidacy will destroy the downstream ticket.

I'd take Bernie over Trump but would take every single candidate over Bernie

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