Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Take on Trump’s public scolding

You have to give Trump this...he's got some gall. He went on a Twitter tirade this morning attacking John Bolton ripping into his character and saying he couldn't get approved for the UN ambassadorship and was an incompetent fool. He then went on to say that if Bolton had had his druthers we'd be deep into World War VI by now which is comforting to know

This is the guy who Trump hired. I hate John Bolton nut way one thing for him, he's consistent. Everybody knew that Bolton was a lunatic hawk but only Trump was dumb enough to hire him and be shocked that he'd be pushing us towards conflict.

Trump's greatest story is always that he is keeping us safe from the people he brings in. The old adage of keeping your friends close but your enemies closer takes another turn here, in Trump's mind it's bring your enemies in so that you can publicity humiliate them, neuter them and have them beg for forgiveness AKA become Lindseyed. Ted Cruz is a perfect example.

Apparently he's been staying away from criticizing Jeff Sessions recently, can only imagine the two of them at their big kumbaya moment where Sessions will beg forgiveness for being a punching bag

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