Saturday, January 25, 2020

Take on Liddle

Trump's nicknames are often childish, many times pretty lame although sometimes they are even funny.

They may not be classy, they may not be clever but they are almost alway effective in a way they can damage his opponents politically. He has a certain rhythm with these things. He starts with the nickname and tries it out for a while and just works it into his speeches and twitter feed. They are sometimes so effective that even if you hate Trump names like Crooked Hillary of Shifty Adam Schiff are stuck in your head.

But the one I don't get is Liddle'. What is the point of spelling the word wrong? What is the point of the apostrophe? What is the point of the odd capitalization?

It's just as if he invented his own word and feels like if he can get it into the lexicon, he wins $100

He's a moron

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