Monday, January 13, 2020

Take on the lame democratic field

Somehow the Democrats are taking our eye off the ball and instead on focusing on the lies that roll off of Trump's tongue, they are focusing on ways to beat each other to a bloody pulp.
The field which once was like 50 deep is down to a couple of old white guys, a old white chick, a middle aged white chick and a gay white guy..and that weird Tulsi thing
It isn't the most inspiring democratic option but truth be told the democrats run a boring uninspiring candidate about 75% of the time...the problem in that those candidates always lose.

The list of democratic nominees that failed to win the national election is like a whose who of gingivitis patients

Hillary, Kerry, Gore, Dukakis, Mondale

If that was the set for a comedy club you'd take the first lead pencil and shove it in your urethra

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